History Shots Bonus Shorts
Join us every Friday at 4 PM (CST) for History Shots! Short bonus episodes to get you ready for the weekend! These episodes bring you little known facts in under 15 minutes!

History Shots Ep. 1: World Wars
Over 1000 people have died since 1919 cleaning up unexploded ordinance!
Julianna the Great Dane saved her owners life TWICE during World War 2!
Tsutoma Yamaguchi of Japan survived BOTH atomics bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
Russia ran out of Vodka after Nazi Germany's surrender!
History Shots Ep. 2: Baseball
Leroy Robert `Satchel’ Paige is the oldest baseball player at 59 years 80 days on September 25, 1965.
The fastest recorded Major League game only lasted for 51 minutes
The longest MLB game in terms of time lasted for 8 hours and 6 minutes
The least amount of people recorded at a baseball game is 347