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S1E11 - Common Phrases Pt. 3

Idioms, Idioms, Idioms!!!
By and Large - Indicates that a statement is mostly but not completely true.

Hands Down - Easily or Unquestionably

Cold Feet - Losing courage to do something

Caught Red Handed - Caught in the act (usually of a crime)

Blood is Thicker Than Water - Family over everything

Honeymoon - Romantic vacation (usually after a wedding)

White Elephant - A gift of little value or meaning (Burdensome or  costly)

Close But No Cigar - Being close to a goal but not quite making it

Best Man - Grooms best friend or family member

Let the Cat Out of The Bag - Unveil a secret, usually on accident

His/Her/Their Name is Mud - Some one who has a bad reputation
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